Inspired by classic polos, this croc-adorned tennis sneaker is made from an engineered knit with comfort features including a ribbed topline, a padded heel and an OrthoLite insole.
Lacoste Graduate Couro Metallic Detailing Sneakers Pretas | BF1gLIa6
Lacoste LT Fit Sintético and Texteis Sneakers Pretas Branco | lISd4elh
Lacoste AG-LT 21 Texteis and Sintético Sneakers Branco Verdes | 5gzWi1GV
Lacoste Storm 96 LO Texteis and Couro Sneakers Branco Coral | k0elH60n
Lacoste Twin Serve Luxe Couro and Sintético Sneakers Branco Bege | W7VWLtne
Lacoste Partner Retro Couro Sneakers Bege Rosa | iEFM8fIE
Lacoste Court-Drive Tricolour Texteis Sneakers Branco Azul Marinho Vermelhas | 7BQw6REk
Lacoste Quantace Couro Sneakers Branco Bege | mNWTVrKp